Monday, January 27, 2014

Germany Week 25 - PPP/CBYX Midyear Seminar in Frankfurt

What a fun week this one was! This week was the 30th year PPP/CBYX Midyear Seminar. That meant that us 71 participants were all going to be in Frankfurt for 5 days. We had many seminars, did lots of fun things, and enjoyed one another's company. Monday was mostly just our arrival and of course talking with all of the other wonderful PPPlers. Tuesday included a feedback seminar, a lunch at a nice restaurant, and then a concert at the Opera House later on that night. Wednesday was a trip by bus to the state of Thüringen to learn about the history of the border between east and west Germany. Which was of course followed up later that night by an awesome Karaoke club. Thursday was super formal day, where we all got dressed up to go to formal seminars for hours. We all needed a bit of a break after that and went out to a bar! Don't mix beer and sangria, it doesn't feel nice the day after. Overall, I had a great experience in Frankfurt, and I can't wait to see how much more Germany will shape my personality, and myself as a person.

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