Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Germany Week 21 - Christmas in Zscheiplitz

This week here in Germany was my first Christmas away from my family in the US. I was wonderful and lucky enough to be able to have Christmas with my host family. I went to a church service at the Frauenkirche becuase my host dad was singing in the choir. It was a lovely service, ages since I had actually gone to church/mass. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner, Trez joined in with us. We gave out gifts and had lots of fun. We went early the next morning to Zscheiplitz and had a large Christmas day lunch, mountains of food I tell you! But that is what happens in Zscheiplitz during special occasions. We enjoyed our relaxation very much, and enjoyed 3 or 4 meals a day. There is of course trails to walk along, so that is what one does when in Zscheiplitz. We eat and then we walk, and then we eat again. It was still Christmas with family. I very much enjoyed it!

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