Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Germany Week 22 (Part 2) - From Berlin to London

Straight from Berlin was a bus ride to London on New Year's Day. It was a very long bus ride, 17 hours from Berlin to London. Needless to say, the next day, Victoria and I were exhausted. Haley, Victoria, and I were spending the last of our time off in London for 3 days! The first day was spent getting Fish and Chips for the first time ever. It was quite good. We went to explore the city a bit, and then went back to rest for the next 2 full days that we had in London. We spent that next day at the Tower of London to start out. We saw the armory that they had there, it was originally all built as a fortress in the late 11th century. Now kept there are also the crown jewels of England. That was also very neat to see. We explored the city further after that. The next day was a day-trip to Stonehenge and the Roman City of "Bath." It was amazing to see such marvels of history all within one day. Haley, Victoria, and I had a wonderful week long trip together and I cannot wait for the next one!

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