Monday, January 27, 2014

Germany Week 25 - PPP/CBYX Midyear Seminar in Frankfurt

What a fun week this one was! This week was the 30th year PPP/CBYX Midyear Seminar. That meant that us 71 participants were all going to be in Frankfurt for 5 days. We had many seminars, did lots of fun things, and enjoyed one another's company. Monday was mostly just our arrival and of course talking with all of the other wonderful PPPlers. Tuesday included a feedback seminar, a lunch at a nice restaurant, and then a concert at the Opera House later on that night. Wednesday was a trip by bus to the state of Thüringen to learn about the history of the border between east and west Germany. Which was of course followed up later that night by an awesome Karaoke club. Thursday was super formal day, where we all got dressed up to go to formal seminars for hours. We all needed a bit of a break after that and went out to a bar! Don't mix beer and sangria, it doesn't feel nice the day after. Overall, I had a great experience in Frankfurt, and I can't wait to see how much more Germany will shape my personality, and myself as a person.

Germany Week 24 - The Border of Poland

This week was sort of another lazy week for me here in Germany. At the time I hadn't been filming that much, truly because nothing too exciting was happening. The week included some cooking and neat pictures, but mostly encompassed the trip that Trez, Janne, and I took to Görlitz, Germany. It is a city that lies right one the border between Germany and Poland. The food there in Poland was absolutely excellent, and I cannot stress how surprising it is to simply walk over the border, and having the ways of life and living completely changed. The language instantly changes, the people change, the scenery changes, everything. Going on this trip opened my eyes a bit more. I can't wait to take a weekend trip to Poland!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Germany Week 23 - A Nice Break

This week started out on Wednesday yet again because of all the video work that I had to do! On Wednesday was a brief start off with Trez, Janne and I having a few drinks together and going to a club. Friday was an awesome party at my host family's house, having about 12 guests over was great. I was able to also make American pizza for my host family, which they actually liked! That was very exciting. Sunday was a trip to Weixdorf with my host family, Trez, and Kelsey, where we had a wonderful meal at a restaurant and a nice hike by Moritzburg Schloss. Can't wait to see what Frankfurt will be like next week!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Germany Week 22 (Part 2) - From Berlin to London

Straight from Berlin was a bus ride to London on New Year's Day. It was a very long bus ride, 17 hours from Berlin to London. Needless to say, the next day, Victoria and I were exhausted. Haley, Victoria, and I were spending the last of our time off in London for 3 days! The first day was spent getting Fish and Chips for the first time ever. It was quite good. We went to explore the city a bit, and then went back to rest for the next 2 full days that we had in London. We spent that next day at the Tower of London to start out. We saw the armory that they had there, it was originally all built as a fortress in the late 11th century. Now kept there are also the crown jewels of England. That was also very neat to see. We explored the city further after that. The next day was a day-trip to Stonehenge and the Roman City of "Bath." It was amazing to see such marvels of history all within one day. Haley, Victoria, and I had a wonderful week long trip together and I cannot wait for the next one!

Germany Week 22 - New Years in Berlin

Week 22 in Germany began only one day after my return from Zscheiplitz and my Christmas break. Less than 24 hours after I returned to Dresden, I was on a bus to Berlin! I planned to meet Haley and Victoria, who are PPPlers that live in Munich. We had a hotel right in the middle of the city. It was literally 200 feet from the Hauptbahnhof (Main Train Station). We even had extra visitors, Sam and Ryan, other PPPlers that stayed with us. They have both been seen before! We did lots of things in the city, such as sight seeing, going to the GDR museum, and even meeting up with at least 8 other PPPlers who were also in the city for New Years! I have seen beautiful Berlin, its wall, its Cathedral, and its historical marks. I was even able to bring back a piece of the Berlin wall with me to take home. The trip in Berlin was finished by drinking in front of the Parliament building (not too much) and celebrating the new year! I absolutely loved my time there, and Berlin will be seeing me again in these next coming months!

Germany Week 21 - Christmas in Zscheiplitz

This week here in Germany was my first Christmas away from my family in the US. I was wonderful and lucky enough to be able to have Christmas with my host family. I went to a church service at the Frauenkirche becuase my host dad was singing in the choir. It was a lovely service, ages since I had actually gone to church/mass. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner, Trez joined in with us. We gave out gifts and had lots of fun. We went early the next morning to Zscheiplitz and had a large Christmas day lunch, mountains of food I tell you! But that is what happens in Zscheiplitz during special occasions. We enjoyed our relaxation very much, and enjoyed 3 or 4 meals a day. There is of course trails to walk along, so that is what one does when in Zscheiplitz. We eat and then we walk, and then we eat again. It was still Christmas with family. I very much enjoyed it!