Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Germany Week 17 - Prague Wasn't Ready

Week 17 in Germany was definitely a much happier and upbeat one than last week. As you might have known, I was feeling pretty down and somewhat frustrated with everything. My spirits were first lifted on Tuesday when I received two large packages from my awesome parents. They had sent every sort of food from America that I could possibly miss. I was quite thankful for them doing such a thing. I even received a 3rd large package on Wednesday with more goodies in it, so I am stocked up on American foods. Thursday was the day of reckoning. I and two other Americans(Kelsey and Trez) were tasked with preparing Thanksgiving dinner in Germany for about 15 guests. I must say that it was quite a challenge, but by God did we do it. We had guests from many different countries and we were able to have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner here in Germany. And the next day on Friday, Trez, Anh, and myself left Dresden for the amazing city of Prague for the weekend. If you do not know Prague, go look it up! It is by far one of the most beautiful cities in the world, of course located in the Czech Republic. We had a blast in Prague, and definitely felt we gained much confidence from that trip. There is nothing like going to a foreign country and not knowing the language at all or having a plan of where we should have even been going. It was most unplanned, we just sort of went for it so-to-say. This week's video is jam packed with all of these adventures. We were ready for Prague, Prague wasn't ready for us!

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