Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Germany Week 39 - Party Now, Get a Visitor Later

During this week the 9 month mark in Germany was hit. I'll say it again and again, how the time flies! Coming here 9 months ago, I was scared, excited, nervous, and I had no idea what to expect of the world around me. I'm glad that I made the decision to come here. I'm also glad that I made the decision to keep a video blog for the entire year. I love going back to my videos sometimes and remembering what I did. This week was another week spent at the Vogelstation, and then one of the best times I've had partying later on that night. We went out to my host family's cabin and partied the night away. On Friday, the wonderful PPPler Tyra graced me with her presence. She got to see the sights in Dresden and we all enjoyed ourselves together. Everyone, you're still welcome to Dresden anytime!

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