Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Germany Week 40 - Winding Down

Week 40 in Germany, this is the last ten week mark of my time here in Germany. That 50th week will be spent in the US! This week was started off on May 5th, Cinco de Mayo. Honestly, I really wouldn't ever celebrate that day in the US, but it gave us an excuse to go to a Mexican restaurant here in Dresden. On Wednesday, more time was spent at the Vogelstation. Saturday was an Arts & Crafts type festival in the Kunsthofpassage. It was pretty neat and we got to try a few different international beers. On Sunday, we went up to a restaurant on a hill that overlooks Dresden in the east. We had some delicious dessert there, and I'd really like to go back for a full meal sometime! I'm really ancy to go home at this point, only 9 more weeks!

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