Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Germany Week 42 - Berlin PPP Final Seminar

This wonderful week was spent in the beautiful, amazing city of Berlin, Germany. All PPPlers had to travel to Berlin for the week for our final seminar, our Abschlusseminar. On Tuesday Trez and I arrived there, explored around, and drank a beer. We made it to the hostel which was actually kind of neat. We met all the other PPPlers there and had our opening seminar shortly thereafter. Wednesday was full of seminars, telling about our experiences, talking amonst ourselves, seeing how we've grown, etc. Thursday was started off by going to the US Embassy near the Brandenburg Gate and meeting all of the other highschool PPPlers and scholarship receivers from different programs. Later on, we went to the Reichstag building (parliament building) and saw many important people such as representatives, congressmen, and the Bundestag President. Friday, we went back to the Reichstag to see a few speeches celebrating the 65th year of the Basic German Law. Even Angela Merkel was at this meeting, although I was a bit sad that she didn't speak. The last day the Cologne 6-pack ate together and we parted ways. Until Frankfurt to all of my fellow PPPlers!

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