Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Germany Week 38 - Work, Work, Work

This was my chill week after my long trip to Bratislava and Vienna. I definitely needed this break and the downtime. This video is not as action filled, therefore I have attempted to make up for it with my own sense of humor, applause please. Lots of footage from my work last week will be included. Throughout this week I have, chilled out, chilled out, and chilled out. Okay, I'm done with the ridiculousness. I played baseball with my host brothers, my favorite sport of all. We had an awesome grill-out, and my host dad sacrificed his dryness in order to cook us delicious food in the pouring rain. More delicious food was had on the weekend. Of course you guys get to see at least some of it. With the holiday on Thursday and another day off coming up this Friday, I'm sure to get into something this week!

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