Thursday, April 10, 2014

Germany Week 35 - Shaping Lives

This week was again spent in Meissen Porcelain Manufaktur. Well, of course not the entire week! We were again in a separate part where they were doing clay mock-ups of the various body parts of a 2.8 meter high porcelain woman that they are working on. Porcelain dries much too fast for it to be sculpted from scratch in such a large scale. I was also able to do the audio work at a place we filmed with my company. It was neat to actually be able to contribute this time! On Friday, I had heard about a famous bridge in Dresden with a couple bars right down on the water next to it. Trez, Janne, and I decided we would go there to visit it. It was very pretty down there and the bar/restaurant was pretty cool. We had a few visitors to Dresden this past weekend, Michael, Scott, and Allison. We hung out on Saturday and had a nice walk around the city and went to a bar later. It was cool to have visitors in Dresden, and again, anyone that wants to visit us is welcome!

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