Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Germany Week 28 - Real Work

What a fun filled week it was. I actually was able to do more real work for the company that I work at. That would include editing the best of our film for the city of Dresden so that they can make a tourism commercial. On Wednesday I went out with the film crew all day. I have to say, it was quite long, but I felt like within that day, I gained a lot of experience. We were filming in a museum that was closed and reserved for 50 guests and a few speakers. It was definitely neat to see how it all works! Friday was a dinner at a chinese buffet with my host family, Trez, and Kelsey. On Saturday we went to Jena for Falk's mother's birthday. We had an awesome lunch and an awesome layout of cakes and desserts. It was an excellent week, and I can't wait to see the next weeks to come!

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