Thursday, February 27, 2014

Biography of the Life of Shawn Faller (By Tyler Lindsay)

Meet Shawn Faller. An American from Covington, KY. After recently changing nationalities due to inner self conflict spawned from a subconscious disapproval of an ever growing insecurity of his "hick-like" upbringing. Shawn, began speaking in German. This ability was spontaneous and as remarkable as it was, it was later found that it was merely a symptom of his ever-growing resentment towards a westernized lifestyle, you see, Shawn wasn't just an ordinary Shawn. He was..."Shawn the lawn Don" or other names he acquired through popularity such as "long john Shawn" or "shah-bah-mowmylawnple-shawn"(Indian/Hindustani).
This particular man was known for his notorious lawn care service in Kentucky.
There he became a well known king pin to all that was mowing, shearing or possibly even hedging. His ruthless weed whacking skills and cunning ability to control a vast number of Latinos, all illegal immigrants from "El' Paso" Mexico soon backfired during a small shoot out in Covington, KY. This would later be known as "the little Alamo" some witnesses say the battle was that of a territorial conflict between Shawn the lawn Don himself and local rival "Timothy Jones" a ten year old boy from the area, advertising with his convenient low prices at ten dollars a lawn to end the monopoly that Shawn and his Mexican alias had conceived over time. A record total of 462 people were brutally slain as causalities in the rapid cross fire between Shawn's legion and young Jones. After four days, the battle ended. The victor by default was Jones, having killed Shawn's entire small army while still managing to mow sixty seven lawns in the process. In his staggering humiliation, Shawn fled to Germany, a country he had already grown found of, to avoid his ridicule in the world of gardening. The whereabouts of Shawn faller these days are unknown. However one thing is for certain. Covington, KY will forever remember the legacy that is "Shawn the lawn Don"

Written by: Tyler Lindsay
Published with the help of Shawn Faller, Facebook, and the many Latinos that fought for Shawn Faller on that fateful day

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Germany Week 29 - Definitely Two Bags

This week was one of those weeks that again, didn't start until Thursday. I can at least say that Monday - Thursday I worked on footage at work, cleaning it up and editing it. It was a theatrical performance of the equivalent of a German "Mardi Gras." Glad that is finished with. A fellow PPPler, Zack, came to visit us in Dresden for a day. We had an awesome day with him, exploring the city, eating at that rollercoaster restaurant, and finishing out the night at The Dubliner. On Friday I visited a bird rescue and care center where I will be doing my volunteer work these next couple months. I absolutely love it there so far. On Saturday, Trez, Janne, and I hopped on a train to Zittau. It is a city very close to where the borders of Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic meet each other. After that we walked over to Poland for just a little while. Was definitely not a prettier part of Poland, but I still want to go to Wroclaw to see Poland's real beauty. That will be coming up in a later video, you guys can count on that!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Germany Week 28 - Real Work

What a fun filled week it was. I actually was able to do more real work for the company that I work at. That would include editing the best of our film for the city of Dresden so that they can make a tourism commercial. On Wednesday I went out with the film crew all day. I have to say, it was quite long, but I felt like within that day, I gained a lot of experience. We were filming in a museum that was closed and reserved for 50 guests and a few speakers. It was definitely neat to see how it all works! Friday was a dinner at a chinese buffet with my host family, Trez, and Kelsey. On Saturday we went to Jena for Falk's mother's birthday. We had an awesome lunch and an awesome layout of cakes and desserts. It was an excellent week, and I can't wait to see the next weeks to come!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Germany Week 27 - Sächsische Schweiz im Winter

As I had said before, we have passed the halfway mark of 6 months in Germany. During this week there was lots of fun to be had, and I have already experienced a lot during my internship. To get the full story of the internship, you'll just have to give the video a watch! Other things outside of working include eating more delicious food that Kelsey cooked, spending lots of time with the host family, and a beautiful hike in the Sächsische Schweiz. My host family, Trez, Kelsey, and myself have really bonded a lot these last couple weeks, especially over this past weekend, and I think we will continue to become closer as the year goes on!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Germany Week 26 - Puttin' On the Ritz

Seems like just yesterday I was scared, timid, and extremely worried about starting my university phase of the program. This time it would be almost completely unguided and I would simply have to figure things out for myself. This week I spent finishing up my last classes at the Technical University of Dresden. The weeks really seem to fly anymore, even when I don't do anything too exciting. Within the video you will see good food (always right?), an attempt at breaking a world record, and a wonderful performance of one of my brother's favorite songs, Puttin' on the Ritz by Taco. This week I am starting work at a private film and TV production company, I can't wait to see the different kinds of work that I will be doing there!