Monday, October 7, 2013

Germany Week 9 - First Week in Dresden!

Can it already be week 9 of my time here in Germany. Wow has it been cool. This week I moved to the beautiful city of Dresden. For all of you who don't know, Dresden sits tucked away near the borders of the Czech Republic and Poland in the east most part of Germany. It is a city populated by roughly 500,000 people and the city itself resides within the state of Saxony(Sachsen in German). This week involved moving to this awesome city to be greeted by my host family, our tutor Falko, and our GIZ representative. It felt like a very warm welcome. Although, it literally did not feel so warm, the temperature had dropped nearly 15 degrees(Fahrenheit) after leaving Cologne. Adventures this week include making dinner a few different times with friends, many meals with a wonderful host family, trips to the University and to Ikea, exploring the city, Stammtisch(regular's table of people) with host dad, having a super awesome BBQ on Saturday with everyone, and then going out later to meet a German PPPler and her friend to go to an Irish pub, it was an excitement-filled week, and I hope that I have many more like it!

And a very special thanks to my host family for being so welcoming. I really enjoy how I feel so included in everything. It will make my 10 months(nearly) here in Germany an absolutely wonderful one!


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