Monday, August 26, 2013

Germany Week 3 - Concert Weekend and Gamescom 2013

Week 3 here in Germany, can't believe how the time flies! This week consisted of: living daily life, doing daily life things, waiting on the weekend, taking an awesome "field trip" to the Augustusburg Castle in Brühl, Germany, and going to Gamescom later that day! The weekend turned out to be quite an eventful one. During all of these different times, I always had good company. Saturday night, we went to a concert with a series of bands that were playing an outdoor show in celebration of Gamescom. The bands that played were Trümmer, Susanne Blech, Flo Mega and the Ruffcats, and Tocotronic. It was a really really odd combination of bands together, but was very fun. Susanne Blech was REALLY great, with their combination of fast paced electronica, good beats, and German rap, they performed a fantastic show. Ending out the night with friends going to a club to dance more was the right thing to do. I've always said, good company and good music is all I need for a great time.

P.S: I have switched around my video rendering settings, and they now look 100 times better than all of my previous videos. No more of that blurriness whenever the camera pans over, so you will be seeing this quality from now on, enjoy!

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