Sunday, August 11, 2013

Germany Week 1 - New Bestest Friends at a Rave

The title is only a small fraction of all the things that have happened during this week. I have made many new friends and done a billion new different things. Living life here isn't that different from the US in the sense of living styles. I actually sat down and thought about it, I'm doing different things, I'm living on my own, my living habits are different, the person/people I live with are different, my eating habits are different, my personality in German is different, it's actually entirely correct to say that my life is COMPLETELY different right now. And it's not a bad thing! I've explored the beautiful city of Cologne, learned many more things about it's people, learned some Kölsch dialect of speaking, gotten stuck on a train with no one in it, cooked and eaten many new things, seen a thousand different new things, Germany is treating me well, and I only hope things will be up from here!

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