Saturday, June 29, 2013

This New Video Thing

Yesterday marked a very important start to a more than year long project I have been thinking about doing for the past month or 2. Yesterday, I decided I would start this "project." I want to do weekly videos showcasing my adventures in Germany(and the first ones here in America). I will still write in this blog, maybe not as frequently, but by God I still will! This will be a learning experience for both my audience and I. It's very exciting to be doing something like this. Being a Media Informatics major, I'm going to finally learn to do some video editing! Sony Vegas Pro is a bit challenging, but I'm sure I will get it soon. I hope to keep the videos around 10 minutes, this one is a bit longer because of introductions and whatnot. Hope you guys enjoy this journey along with me!

Oh yes, here is the Youtube Channel: Adventures in Germany, by Shawn Faller

In the first episode, introductions are made, my brother Tim and I have a Bubble Tea adventure, then with some spur of the moment footage at the end!

5 Weeks until Germany!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Glühwein in June!

The title says it all. I couldn't help it, once I heard of this amazing sounding drink, and then reading up on it a bit, I decided: I will make my own homemade Glühwein. This drink is a seasonal German/Austrian drink that is usually seen around Christmas time at all Weihnachtsmarkts all over. I first encountered the drink when watching a video from one of the 29th PPPlers Samantha Montero. (Link to her channel: Awesome Youtube Channel). Glühwein can be made in an assortment of ways with many different ingredients, depending on what you like. I looked up Glühwein recipes and went off a mixture of the ones I liked the best, some of it was tailored to my likes and me just "winging" it. Here's what you'll need for it: This recipe uses 500 ml of Wine, scale up recipe if you want more, and disclaimer, some of these are strictly guesses, so it might need adjustment on your part.

  • Red Wine(500 ml)
  • Whole Allspice
  • Whole Cloves
  • Half an orange, cut in thin slices
  • Very finely ground sugar
  • Whole Cinnamon Sticks
  • 3/4 cup Orange Juice
Pour the red wine in a pan, heating it up a bit with a low flame. (DO NOT let it boil) Cut the slices of orange and put 2-3 slices in with 4 of the cloves stuck in the skin of each of them.

Put the oranges in the wine making sure to submerge them, while keeping the low flame on. Half or third two cinnamon sticks and throw them in.

Throw in 2 whole allspice and pour in your 3/4 cup of orange juice. And lastly, evenly pour in about 1/2 - 3/4 cup of finely ground sugar. Stir this all as you go. Stir off and on for about 30 minutes with heat on low, again not letting it boil. Give it a taste, and add more sugar if necessary(which you honestly might have to).

Let it infuse for another 30 minutes, stirring it off and on as you go. Remove oranges/allspice/cinnamon sticks and spoon into cups, and enjoy! Oh and the oranges actually soak up all these flavors quite well so you could eat those if you like too!

Here are some pictures of how my Glühwein turned out, I must say,
Es war einfach der Hammer ;)

 All of the many ingredients cooking together

 Glühwein in it's completed form!

I honestly cannot wait until I can try some real Glühwein from a real Weihnachtsmarkt!! I am less than 6 weeks away from being in Germany for an entire year!! You could say I'm just a bit excited. And during Christmas time, I think being able to make my own homemade Glühwein might catch the interest of at least a couple Germans! Hope you guys enjoy, bis dann!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hofbräuhaus, Amerika!

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren! Today marks June 16th, better known for me as the month and a half mark to departing for Deutschland for a year! Today will be a short little photo extravaganza(you could hardly call it that) about the beautiful Bierhaus chain known as the "Hofbräuhaus!" (Pronounced like: "Hoffbroyhaus," not "Hoffbrowhaus"). It is a German Bierhaus, the chain was started in München, Deutschland(Munich, Germany) in 1589.

The Hofbräuhaus is known for its delicious beer, extreme quantities of it, and for being one of the only FOUR in the entire United States. I am lucky enough to live a 10 minute drive away from the Newport Hofbräuhaus. I have been there many times before, delicious beer cheese, pretzels, cooked pork, german potato salad and fried cabbage, würst of all kinds, all while enjoying the company of my family or wonderful German class AND listening to a small band playing accordian and small snare set. I was not dining there today, for I had to go there to buy my father a gift. He loves the Hofbräuhaus more than any place in the world, so what better gift than to buy him a gift card to there for father's day!! Happy Father's Day dad!!

Oh and by the way, I might've forgot to mention I found out some small little things about the upcoming CBYX program......... I WAS PLACED IN COLOGNE, GERMANY FOR MY LANGUAGE SCHOOL PLACEMENT FOR THE FIRST TWO MONTHS. So I'm a pretty excited creature, and I have been ALL weekend, what a lovely surprise on a Friday. And to my surprise again, I had not read the PDF file that was sent to us all the way through before I went bouncing around my house to tell everyone. I went back to show them and scrolled down a bit more and found out that, MY FINAL 9 MONTH PLACEMENT WILL BE IN THE BUNDESLAND(State) OF SACHSEN, GERMANY. Words cannot explain how excited I am. Oh, wow this is all getting too real. I'm ready for you Germany, what're you waiting for?!?!?!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Last American Adventure

You might be asking what the title means exactly, think of it not as the end, but rather the beginning of new adventures. During this past week I went on a camping trip to Red River Gorge with fellow PPPler Michael Douglas, my childhood best friend Tyler, awesome Korean exchange student Grace, and other awesome guy Logan. I had camped down there many times prior, but the only other of the group who had been there before was Logan. It was an exciting adventure, and one I will not forget. This is most likely my last big American adventure before I leave for Germany on July 31st. Don't worry guys, less writing and more pictures! Here we go!

After a less than thrilling two hour drive, we arrived near our location only to be in the rain. I was not pleased at this sight, but luckily the rain didn't last long. We drove around the scenic route 715, about 10 miles from the road I liked to camp along. Within this stretch of road is a quarter mile long tunnel through the side of a mountain called Nada Tunnel, carved out entirely by dynamite. It is a one lane road, so traffic has to figure it out for themselves. As one leaves the tunnel they are greeted with the sight of beautiful sandstone cliffs, hills, and small mountains. The road follows along the "Red River" and then goes into a windy incline to the top of the ridges. Along this road is this beautiful spot here: When it rains, it creates this little natural waterfall. And I found my brother and I's initials when we were here 3 months ago.

Tyler looking at the waterfall

Tyler and I climbing up to the top of that waterfall, about 60 feet up

Moss Writings

Tyler was pointing at me to get him his shorts from the car(mind you I was about 200 feet away, with a large creek and the entire area in front of the waterfall to climb around), he wanted to get a shower in that waterfall, sigh Tyler, we don't have time for this, he's quite a trip.

We set up our campsite about 400 feet off a long gravel road called Chimney Top Rock. This road goes up a long high sandstone ridge; spanning in some places only about 100-150 feet across. At the top is a lookout area in which one can see much of the Daniel Boone National Forest. We managed quite a nice campsite, and I must say, with Michael having no camping experience, he was really good with our shelter. Check this out:

From left to right: Tyler, Logan, Grace, and Michael

Oh ya, that's right, we were SET!
The night was a long one, many of us couldn't sleep, some with the fear of bears, psh, no bears in Red River Gorge if you ask me. I awoke to an interesting sight at the top of the tent. A LARGE wolf spider the size of a coffee plate at the top of our mesh tent, thank God it was on the outside, I still had to contain myself, as everyone was asleep. The spider and I later became friends, had a few drinks together, played some games, and had to go our separate ways, you shall be missed dear spider. (What's wrong with me)

We went up to visit Chimney Top Rock, pictures never quite do it justice:

Grace and Tyler up at Chimney Top

Logan at Chimney Top
Michael, Me, Grace, and Logan after our night of camping

The land was vast!

We moved on to go to a trail I loved to hike, and had done so as a kid growing up. The Natural Bridge trail is one that almost everyone who knows the Red River Gorge is familiar with. A 1/2 mile hike up to a natural sandstone bridge, formed by an ocean that was once here 60 million years ago, when the entirety of Kentucky was submerged under water.

Spot at Natural Bridge trail where if you were too fat, you literally could not fit through, it did not leave that much room.

I wasn't kidding about it being narrow, crazy though!

Walking out onto Natural Bridge, no railings, so don't lean too far!

A view of Devil's Gulch from on the "Natural Bridge"

An island of rock I must get to someday

On "Devil's Gulch"

Red River from atop Devil's Gulch

Seeing Natural Bridge from Devil's Gulch

We hiked a different path down from Natural Bridge and came across more beautiful and interesting things.

The trail passed this natural cave, it was much larger than it looks currently

Michael with a spiderweb being weighed down by water droplets.

Thank you Mr. Michael Douglas for your great photos, Ohne dich, dieses Blogpost könnte sein. Danke schön!!!

All in all, it was a wonderful experience. And if it is my last American adventure for a while, I'd be okay with that. I came to know all of them well, and we enjoyed our time together. Natural beauty covers this world. Seek out this beauty, preserve it as we preserve our friendship and our love for others. I cannot wait to make these lifelong friendships with my other fellow PPPlers and many others. We have quite a year ahead of us. 54 days until we depart for Deutschland. And to my friends, thank you for being part of my life, and thank you everyone else for always supporting me. Life has shown me bliss I have never seen, and I hope it lasts. Until next time, my friends.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Fellow PPPler

Well, hello again everyone, didn't expect a post today now did you?!?! Well, it turns out I was able to hang out with a fellow 2013-2014 CBYXer/PPPler yesterday! You heard it right! I am lucky enough to be able to write about the first meet-up of any CBYXers for this program year. It was very exciting and I'm glad him and I were able to hang out yesterday. Everyone, give a big shout-out to Michael Douglas, the funny, extremely intelligent, 22 year old college graduate from Xavier University that seems to have done a little bit of everything. Without further ado, let's get started.

I am from the city of Latonia, Kentucky, and Michael originally comes from Dayton, Ohio. He moved to Cincinnati, OH within the past few years. We had met at the interview in February and got along great, both encouraging each other in our hopes of being chosen for such a prestigious program. We both had also met another candidate named Austin from Michigan City, Indiana. It turns out that all 3 of us in our interview on that same day were chosen for the CBYX program. We would have hung out with Austin too if only he was closer!

Michael and I met at a local neat place known around here as "Newport on the Levi," a beautiful area full of shops, a theater, and a mall all along the Ohio Riverfront. And of course, we couldn't be luckier to have 1 of the only 4 existing Hofbräuhaus(es) in the entire U.S, RIGHT IN NEWPORT!! The other 3 only exist in Las Vegas, Chicago, and Pittsburgh. So, one could say that we are quite lucky in our location. Although, we did not visit the Hofbräuhaus(can be quite pricey and Michael and I had both been before), we discussed many things while at the Starbucks in Barnes and Noble. We talked over our interview, and many other things. I had said we should speak Deutsch conversation as much as possible while we were hanging out. (This comes a bit later; as our vocabulary isn't nearly advanced enough for the things we were speaking about).

 A barge passing down the Ohio river with a view of a dreary Cincinnati evening in the background.

I decided to propose the idea to Michael that we should go to (again), 1 of the 2 Jungle Jim's International Grocery Store, both residing within about a 20-30 minute drive of where we were at. Michael mentioned he hadn't been there since he was in middle school, so we decided that would be a fun adventure! Jungle Jim's has been ranked by Travel Channel's Most Extreme Stores as #1 in the entire U.S for the vast variety of items it carries, along with its one of a kind characteristics. We ended up going to the original Jungle Jim's in Fairfield, OH rather than the much newer one constructed last year in Eastgate, OH.

We talked a bit in the parking lot and I decided that we would speak only Deutsch(or as much as possible while in Jungle Jim's) and I have to say we did speak quite a lot of German. Although, I have to mention that Michael had a few years of German on me, and I had also realized I had never really done much regular Deutsch conversing, so that is something I DEFINITELY need to work on. (I do feel that in Germany it will come to me much quicker, having to be submerged entirely in the culture) I have to say we felt great about at least really giving a good effort into it. 

Jungle Jim's really offers anything from all over the world. They must receive entire truckloads of imported goods from all over many times a day. They pride themselves on offering the best of all cultures around the world. You want to get Turkish Baklava, they have it, you want Dutch Marzipan, bam they have it, you want raw duck eggs from China, they have it, random chocolate from Afghanistan, THEY HAVE IT ALL. Michael and I wandered around lost in the massive store. I had also had another realization, it was very difficult to think about where I was going AND to also converse in German. I suppose I can work on that aspect!! And when I say "wandered around," I really mean it. The store is massive, and you CAN get lost in it.

Jungle Jim's International Grocery (The whole building wouldn't fit)

Michael searching for his beloved organic stuff (it's all foreign to me!)

Picture by the German section of the store (of course the shades are necessary). I believe Michael had chocolate of some kinds in his hands. Never seen a guy crazier about chocolate.

Amaretto Liqueur Cake, OH YES!!! I feel like if the camara was closer, and I had a different expression on my face, I could have been mimicking this guy:

Aren't we all past memes yet, OH NO, NEVER!

Seafood, imported fresh EVERY morning!

Fish, does it even need a caption?

Dat Colored Pasta Face, my photography skills are impeccable(more like lucky!)

5000 Reward for Robin Hood, of course this was above the Great Britain section!

Creepy Treasure Trove in the ceiling with a face

And of course we know the route that this blog has seemed to take each post, I must present you with a new delectable food each time I write! Well, here it is ladies and gentlemen, the famous Jaffa Cakes by Jacob's. The Jaffa is effectively what could be remembered as the "British" version of the Hostess "Twinkie." When Hostess went out of business, I had to find something new, and I watched a British Youtuber who always mentioned his love for Jaffa Cakes. I had to try them! I've had them many times before this, but due to their extreme popularity, there is usually only 2-3 boxes left on the shelves if I do find them. They are a soft cake like cookie that is covered on the top half with a chocolate shell. The middle part is hollowed out and filled with an orange jelly, this is the Jaffa Cake. A simple yet beautiful creation that cannot be recreated but by the one and only ingenious snack company: Jacob's. Jacob's should be paying me for this sort of good advertisement! Nevertheless, you have been educated for the day about the wondrous foods of the world, moving on!

Beautiful Exit

Yes, that's right, a monorail outside of the Jungle Jim's!

We traipsed through the store a bit more looking for various delicious products to try. I'm pretty sure Michael got nothing but chocolate, but hey he made some good choices! I believe I came back with Jaffa Cakes, Dutch Marzipan Iced Cakes, soft imported English Cheddar, Schlündler (Deutsch) Amaretto Cake, a pound of Seven Hills brand coffee, Jungle Jim's signature brand, and an Italian style Cannoli for my Mom. (If only I could have bought some sort of neat wine or beer to try). It was fun, Michael and I "Deutsched it up," and we got some good food. Now, where might our adventure take us next?

Beautiful Cincinnati

We had to return Michael's rental car (it was already late). Michael, you MIGHT have sold your car in your anticipation for Germany just a TAD too early. Oh well, just roll with it, and so we did. I had to show him another Cincinnati favorite of mine. It is a steamed sandwich and bagel shop called Gilpin's. Walking by it, one might think it's just another hole-in-the-wall type of shop, but it's so much more. The steamed sandwich is a beautiful creation, and an idea, of one that could have only been imagined through excessive atomic chemistry(Okay maybe not quite). I of course, had my favorite, the "Frankenstein." A combination of chicken, bacon, ranch, garlic cream cheese, provolone, and onions all on a pretzel bun, steamed to perfection. How could one resist?! Michael decided he was feeling obnoxiously German, so he ordered sauerkraut, ham, mustard, and provolone on a pretzel bun. STILL, I'm not sure how I feel about that sandwich.

Gilpin's Steamed Sandwich and Bagel Shop(sorry for the quality of this photo)

 Looking out the front of Gilpin's.

Gilpin's famous drunk menu, only thing that can be ordered after 11 P.M until 4 A.M for all the crazy club goers next door and throughout Cincinnati.

It even has a one of a kind type of loft with mismatched chairs, a church pew, a painting of flowers(says: "Flowers that last forever," and 2 tv's spray painted white with a hook up to a PS2 with a lovely fireplace emulator. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT?! If any of you are in Cincinnati during the evening, stop in to Gilpin's, it is located at 7th and Vine Street, literally almost across the street from the Hustler store.

Michael and I had a blast. He's a really cool guy, and it's even better now that we've met because we're gonna be buds in D.C. Remember that camping trip I was talking about? Well he's coming along with Tyler, Grace, and I this coming Wednesday, so that will be the next thing you hear about! We can't wait to meet you other PPPlers in D.C. We're going to have the time of our lives!!

Bis später