Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Germany/US Week 50 - Coming to a Close

My very final (half) week in Germany. Wow, what an incredible experience it has been. I spent my last few days saying goodbye to friends and experiencing what Dresden had to offer. On Tuesday, Trez and I were off to Frankfurt after saying goodbye to our host families. We met up with other PPPlers in Frankfurt, eating at Chipotle and drinking beers on the street just one last time. On Wednesday we flew to New York, arrive at 1 PM US Eastern Time. We settled in to our hostel and were off once again to Chipotle in New York, where the CBYX team had already said that they would take us. We walked about an hour instead to Taco Bell and enjoyed the glorious Americanized Mexican food. Thursday, we had a few different presentations from the German Consulate, German Ambassador to the US, and the former US Ambassador to Germany. They were all great talks and very enjoyable. Thursday we all hung out for the last time, exploring the city the night before I had a flight to catch. Friday, I flew from New York to Philadelphia, had a layover, and then from Philadelphia to Cincinnati. I met my parents at the airport, it was like a scene out of a movie. It was wonderful to see them and I have since seen many friends of mine that I also missed dearly. We had many adventures during the weekend, and that is when this year-long project comes to a close. You can expect to see videos from me in the future, but they will not be quite as frequent. I hope you all have enjoyed watching this year abroad, and I hope that you guys may decide to do something like it!

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