Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Germany Week 48 - Baltic Sea

My 2nd to last full week Germany, oh how the time has dragged on and flown at the same time. On Monday was Germany vs. Algeria, and they won, moving on to the quarter finals, woot! Tuesday was a day spent in the middle of nowhere filling for an MDR news story. Later on was the USA vs. Belgium game, the USA sadly lost, still proud of you Tim Howard! On Friday, my host parents, Trez, Kelsey, and I left for the Baltic Sea at 5 in the morning. We were at the beach at about 10 and promptly had a beer at noon. We were able to see a public viewing of the Germany vs. France game, Germany winning again, putting them in the semifinals! The whole weekend was a lot of fun, and most likely my last trip before I head back to the US. Two more weekly videos to go guys!

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