Monday, July 14, 2014

Germany Week 49 - Last Week in Germany

This week has been full of goodbyes and I can honestly say that it has been kind of sad. I have said by to so many good friends, ones that I will cherish for a lifetime. On Friday, Janne and I visited Königstein, a place we sort of ended up by chance. It is an epic fortress that sits on top of a "mountain." It was absolutely beautiful there. On Saturday, we went to the US Car Convention in Dresden. I saw so so many beautiful American cars. Muscle cars and boat cars are always my dream cars. On Sunday, they did a tour/drive through the city, which I filmed as much as possible. The full video will be below this paragraph. Later on in the day, we set up the grill, tables, and everything to prepare for the World Cup Finale, Germany vs. Argentina! So proud of Germany, they played great and won it all! It has been a wonderful time here, even still with all of the goodbyes.

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