Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Germany Week 30 - Reasons to Cheer Up

30 Weeks here in Germany. Wow has it gone by fast, very stereotypical saying, but still it seems that way! For the first few days of the week I was pretty homesick and just kind of sad overall. My first day at the Vogelstation/Bird Rescue/Care Center on Wednesday cheered me right up. I had an absolutely great time interacting with all the birds, animals really just make me happy in general. After cheering up, I was once again excited to be here in Germany and I will make the best of these last 4 1/2 months here. Of course during this week was lots of delicious food, a rave that I was unlucky enough to have no film of, and just fun times. I've done something that I though my non-German speaking viewers would like. Of course I don't mean that insultingly, I just wanted to mention that from now on I will be putting in English subtitles for the German spoken in my video. I will try and subtitle it all but honestly I cannot always understand, and sometimes my subtitles may be incorrect, just bear with me and I will do my best. Hope you guys enjoy this week, 7 months in Germany already!

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