Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Germany Week 32 - Prague Round 2

A bit of a filming break was taken early in the week, I do apologize for that. Though this weekend is still packed with videos from the 5 star fish restaurant "Kastenmeier's" that I went to with the film crew to film a presentation over Meißen Porcelain. And for the weekend, as the title might suggest, I went to Prague for the 2nd time, ROUND 2 IN PRAGUE! I went with Trez and Mike, both PPPlers. We met Janne there, that poor soul had already been there for 5 days on his own. Luckily he survived. The weekend was filled with mistakes, mishaps, dangerous Czech trains, beautiful sights, beautiful architecture, a pub crawl, and much more. Prague is a really neat city, I appreciate its beauty and would recommend anyone to go there at least once. Twice is enough for me I do believe!

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