Monday, November 18, 2013

Germany Week 15 - The Fabled Quest for Bubble Tea

Week 15 here in Germany, marking 3 1/2 months here in this foreign land. This past week was filled with awesome friends, wonderful food, and more memories to add to the collection of a lifetime. Of course, as I went to my classes as usual, I met up with friends along the way, hang out, found some decent bubble tea, and prepared for another fun weekend. Friday was spent with 7 other awesome people, 4 French, an American, and 2 Englishmen. I must say, for having done nearly nothing the entire night, we still managed to have a blast. And yay for not missing my train this time. It's been a quiet Sunday here and this upcoming week will hopefully be filled with events, because I only have courses to go to on Tuesday and Friday. The quest for REAL bubble tea must continue!

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