Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Germany Week 16 - The Faces of Shawn

Week 16 in Germany has honestly been a bit of a rough one. It has been depressing, productive, and happy all within one week. It has been very gray, rainy, and cold this entire week and I've really noticed how it affects my mood. It makes me homesick, and just the grayness makes me sad. Besides all that, I was able to finish my main cover letter and apply to many internships and send out important emails about the volunteer work that I must do for my program. It feels nice to have some of that out of the way. This week includes showings of the many goods foods I eat(naturally), a face that could go down in history(why do I make these strange faces), a couple nights out with Trez and Kelsey, and of course an Irish pub for the weekend! It's really amazing what a good breakfast with bacon and eggs and a little sunshine can do for one's mood. Fear not, I will be alright, I'm feeling quite optimistic! Lots of things to do these next few weekends, stay tuned for the adventures!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Germany Week 15 - The Fabled Quest for Bubble Tea

Week 15 here in Germany, marking 3 1/2 months here in this foreign land. This past week was filled with awesome friends, wonderful food, and more memories to add to the collection of a lifetime. Of course, as I went to my classes as usual, I met up with friends along the way, hang out, found some decent bubble tea, and prepared for another fun weekend. Friday was spent with 7 other awesome people, 4 French, an American, and 2 Englishmen. I must say, for having done nearly nothing the entire night, we still managed to have a blast. And yay for not missing my train this time. It's been a quiet Sunday here and this upcoming week will hopefully be filled with events, because I only have courses to go to on Tuesday and Friday. The quest for REAL bubble tea must continue!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Germany Week 14 - Party of the Western World

Finally everything is starting to settle down a bit, although I have to admit I am feeling a bit of homesickness. And for any of you that were wondering about my internship phase. I have looked around at a few different companies. My host dad knows of a local Dresden radio station. I think that would be a really neat place to work! So I will report back on that later. This week included eating out at some cool places, going to the Elbepark Mall with Trez, and going to a super awesome party with Americans, Germans, Italians, French, Irish, and Russians! Hence the title. Hope to definitely do some traveling in these next upcoming weeks. I also have to say I am super excited for the Christmas markets that will be opening here in the next few weeks. Hope all is well for all of you people back home in America, miss you all!

Monday, November 4, 2013

German Week 13 - Frauenkirche Concert

I have just recently hit the 3 month mark here in Germany, and 1 month here in Dresden. It was a fun week, for once not actually filled with stress. Monday was just normal classes and hanging out with Trez and Kelsey at a student bar/restaurant. Tuesday, I had to go register for a German course and luckily made it in. It's strange being the only American there, definitely not many of us in Dresden. Thursday we left in the morning for Jena, a somewhat large university city in the Bundesland(State) of Thüringen. The city is very pretty and Falk's family was very welcoming. We went later on that day through Naumberg, Freiberg, and then to our final destination of Zscheiplitz(pronounced for us Americans like "Chai-plits." We were greeted by Kerstin's parents and again with a very warm welcome. We enjoyed many great foods and wonderful company. Saturday was a big concert at the Frauenkirche, with the choir that Falk sings in, and also accompanied by a large orchestra. They put on an awesome show, and I was really glad to have seen it. Trez, Kelsey, and I went out later that night and hung out with some very cool medical student friends of Trez, it's been a great week. Hopefully will be going to Berlin in two weeks from now! Tune in for this week's video!