Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Germany Week 43 - The Epicness Was Unsurpassed

What an epic week this last one has been. It was much busier than the usual weeks, even with a day off of work. On Wednesday, we filmed for a commercial and I used the material that my coworker gave me to make a "making of" video of our day there. On Thursday, we went to Zscheiplitz to eat some good food and celebrate "Männertag" (Man Day). The weather was absolutely awful during those two days. I headed back on Thursday and went to work the next day on Friday. Later that night was one of the most EPIC concerts that I have ever been to. Susanne Blech delivered and they honestly deserve world-wide fame! After a riveting concert, we hung out at the club that they played at, called "The Groovestation." On Sunday, we all had a big party together, celebrating the 10th year that my host mom and her friend's Kindergarten had been opened. It was an epic week, and with me leaving on Friday to go to Finland, I can't wait to see the adventures I'll have there!

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