Thursday, June 26, 2014

Green Wheat Fields Forever

We were filming on June 24th for a client that wanted to make a short image film about the event. I decided since I was there, I would use my own little camera and material, and make my own image film!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Germany Week 46 - Let the World Cup Begin!

The World Cup 2014 has begin! This is honestly my first year ever watching anything from the World Cup. I am not a soccer fan, but I have to say it has been pretty fun so far. This week was not quite as exciting as my trip to Finland, but cool nonetheless. On Friday we had a birthday party for Trez. We had tons of good food and a lot of cool guests. Saturday, I visited a baseball game with a coworker and my host brother, it was cool to see it even know the actual players looked like 2nd graders playing. Later on in the day, Trez, his Munich friends, and I grilled out and watched the Germany vs. Ghana game. The match was pretty intense! Only 3 weeks left in Germany, boy am I counting the days!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Finland Week 45 - I Could Live Here

This entire post is dedicated to Finland. That was the neatest trip that I have taken during my time here in Europe. I absolutely love it there! Monday was spent at the Finnish Artillery Museum and later on enjoying Finnish food. Tuesday was spent at the Finnish Armour(Tank) Museum and a surprise afterwards. We went to the shooting range where I shot a Finnish version of the famous M91/30 Mosin Nagant. I had a field day at both of those places. On Wednesday, Janne and I took a day trip to Helsinki where we saw the sights of Suomenlinna and of Helsinki Zoo. Both of those places are on their own separate islands! On Thursday Janne, Juha, and I went to the country of Estonia, where the weather was absolute garbage but the city was pretty (and cheap!). These 2 epic day trips left us exhausted on Friday, where we spent it exploring Hämeenlinna and watching "Shawshank Redemption" which Janne or his mother had never seen before. The trip was wrapped up on Saturday and I flew back home and finally got back to Dresden around midnight. It was an epic trip and I recommend EVERYONE to go to Finland! It's an absolutely beautiful country with awesome people.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Germany Week 44 - Poland & Finland, What An Adventure

Greetings from Finland! I am writing this from Hämeenlinna, Finland. What a wonderful place it is here, so beautiful. This week has been absolutely wild. On Wednesday, Trez, Janne, and I decided to hop on a train to Poland in order to get delicious pizza. We succeeded in our endeavors and also found the prettier things on the border. On Friday, Janne and I hopped on a plane from Berlin to go to Helsinki, the capital of Finland. We were met there by Janne's dad and were given a ride back to Janne's hometown of Hämeenlinna. We have done so many things here so far including: Seeing the beautiful lakes of Finland, eating at Tompere's best pizza restaurant, seeing the city, and partying the night away, literally. From Saturday to Sunday, I never actually witnessed anything resembling a dark night, it was quite the experience. Finland has been quite the experience.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Germany Week 43 - The Epicness Was Unsurpassed

What an epic week this last one has been. It was much busier than the usual weeks, even with a day off of work. On Wednesday, we filmed for a commercial and I used the material that my coworker gave me to make a "making of" video of our day there. On Thursday, we went to Zscheiplitz to eat some good food and celebrate "Männertag" (Man Day). The weather was absolutely awful during those two days. I headed back on Thursday and went to work the next day on Friday. Later that night was one of the most EPIC concerts that I have ever been to. Susanne Blech delivered and they honestly deserve world-wide fame! After a riveting concert, we hung out at the club that they played at, called "The Groovestation." On Sunday, we all had a big party together, celebrating the 10th year that my host mom and her friend's Kindergarten had been opened. It was an epic week, and with me leaving on Friday to go to Finland, I can't wait to see the adventures I'll have there!

Monday, June 2, 2014

On Set for a Commercial

This is a "making of" video for a commercial that the company I work for was working on. It is a commercial that will be ran in Kinospot, a channel in Germany. A coworker of mine used a Canon D800 to take this video (along with a tad bit of filming from myself) and allowed me to use the material. Hope you guys like it, this is my first making of a video like this!