Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Germany Week 5 - Paris Trip!

What a wonderful week it has been, the video is a tad later than usual due to my late night arrival from Paris this past Sunday. The week started off with a random marching band marching down my tiny little street, a delicious restaurant outing with David and Trez, and a PPPler Stammtisch at the Kölner Dom. The week went on with having dinner with good friends, and gearing up for the weekend to Paris! We did everything there from roam the city, see the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triumph, Notre Dame, and much more. We ate a full 3 course meal at a fancy french Cafe. And ended out with a bang of partying at a club until 5 in the morning. We waited in line briefly at the Eiffel Tower and decided we were climbing to the second level of it by stairs. Wow, that was extremely tiring, but oh so worth it. The view of the city is vast and beautiful. Paris is a gorgeous city with an interesting culture, I recommend that everyone should go there once in their life.

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