Monday, July 22, 2013

Less than 2 Weeks Left!

I sure can't believe it either. To think that next week on Thursday I will set foot upon a foreign land, so many feelings, a few I might not be familiar with. I'm also sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog as well. I've realized over the course of this past month of doing videos, that I do a select bunch of things, and then I do them again. I don't believe it's a bad things, I just seem to repeat the things that I like. I'm ready to get away from all that and constantly be doing new, exciting things. This upcoming week will be full of some of those new things. Leaving for Washington DC at 4 A.M on Saturday morning. Oh, that will be joyous. (Warning: May contain slight trace amounts of sarcasm) This week will be weird for my video, hopefully the hotel WiFi will allow me to upload at a decent rate. Although, I cannot make any promises.

Luckily, I have all my important stuff done, just need to pick up a few things from the store and I should be good to go. This week's video includes kittens, a visit to the Cheesecake Factory, a visit to my Grandma's in a pretty little town and lots mores. Without further ado, Allons-y! (According to the 10th Doctor, in Doctor Who, it means "Let's go!" in French)

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