Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Little Adventure

Here we are! Nearing the end of May already, wow time is flying. I'm always thinking to myself: "This is going to be the longest two month wait of my life." Time is going fast, but wow does it seem to be going slow. In other news my life has lately consisted of these things (Of course in order): Being excited about going to Germany - talking with fellow CBYXers - working - listening to German music - as I have developed the saying with friends: "Deutsching it up" - sulking about the wait - working - more German music - nonstop German loving - AND AN ADVENTURE?!?! We shall get to the adventure soon. First I'd like to veer away from the title by making a list(to your and my benefit) of the things I'd like to bring with me to Germany, sort of like a final packing list:

Packing List
  • 5-7 Band T-Shirts(Can't go anywhere without them)
  •  3 pairs of Jeans
  •  Studded Belt and Dress Belt
  •  2-3 Dress Shirts
  •  Lots of boxers and socks (apparently white socks are a bad idea?) 
  •  2 Ties
  •  3ish pairs of shoes
  •  A jacket or 2
  •  Winter Coat(damn the cold)
  •  Laptop
  •  Wireless Mouse
  •  4GB+ USB drive
  •  Passport
  •  Music in some form
  •  Lot's of Z's (Money)
  •  Bank Information and Bank Card(s)
  •  Transcripts 
  •  Emergency Contact stuff
  •  Excedrin(or whatever your preference for pain or headaches)
  •  Tums(heartburn is painful)
  •  Cold Medicine
  •  Allergy Medicine
  •  A consistent use of capslock

And that's all that I can think of, not too bad of a list if you ask me! Hmm, and most of these items that are on here I already have. So now, it's time for a list of things I need to get or GET DONE (apologies for the lists):

Stuff to get done List
  • Open a bank account with Charles Schwab
  • Put savings into said bank account
  • Set up NKU scholarship disbursal to go directly to again said bank account
  • Save money more efficiently(so awful at saving money)
  • Prepare suitcase
  • Get a set of official transcripts
  • Finish up German CV
  • Continue my practice of the German language
  • Acquire each individual of the world as a Skype friend (more-so family and whoever else would like to talk)
  • Get brakes on car fixed
  • Let my phone company know that: "THIS RELATIONSHIP IS OVER, T-Mobile you are overbearing, expensive, and I don't need someone bringin' me down! Actually I just really don't need a smart phone in Europe, I'm fine going with a simple prepaid.
  • Acquire all academically and unacademically(games and obnoxious music) necessary programs for laptop.
  • To see all friends at least a couple more times before I depart to Deutschland

T-Minus 62 days until I'm on "Lufthansa One" and leaving the country for an entire year!

You guys deserve kittens for suffering through those lists. D'AWWWWW!!!

You guys must be antsy right now to hear about this adventure of mine after such serious dealings with the above said "REAL-LIFE" things. Well as it turns out, while it was not that eventful, I enjoyed it quite a lot. The whole adventure revolved around the idea that Tyler(childhood bestfriend) and I had to hang out with our South Korean friend Grace one more time (at least) before she left to go back to Korea in about 9 days. Tyler so graciously showed me his adaptation of "German Club Music" in the depths of his "Music Lair", amusing yes!

We went and retrieved our Korean friend from the Northern Kentucky University Dorms. Usually we make no plans so I imagine in Germany I'm going to be scorned quite often for not planning ahead, but I digress. Grace had of course had one of my most favorite beverages before: Bubble Tea. We set off to get Bubble Tea in Clifton, Ohio. Now, many of you might be asking, what in the world is Bubble Tea?!

Bubble Tea is a beautiful mixture of tea, milk, sugar, flavorings, and tapioca balls. Whoa, I said the first time I had ever tried this bizarre Thai creation. I have to be honest, this drink is not for everyone. It is served hot or cold with a straw with a large diameter. The tea, milk, and sugar exist as a normal drink. The "bubble" part comes from the tapioca balls that reside at the bottom half of the drink. I can only describe them and extremely gummy little black things that you can't quite completely chew up. They are black in color and I was honestly appalled the first time I tried it. I have found a love for it, the deliciousness of cold Almond Milk Tea with the interesting mix of tapioca balls eaten as one is drinking this strange thing. As I mentioned, the straw with the large diameter is actually used so that one can drink the tea while also sucking up the tapioca. Grace and I of course loved our bubble tea, but Tyler was less than impressed, spitting the tapioca balls out whenever he could. To each their own!

This adventure led us to getting lost for a brief time in eastern Cincinnati and then somehow finding our way to Eden Park. We had actually went to the most beautiful part of the park by chance. We came across this beautiful water tower from the 1800's (I think) and a place on the large hill that overlooked much of the Ohio river and most of Newport and Bellevue, KY.


And of course there had to be pictures with our good friend Grace (please excuse my terrible photo expressions)

And here is the Eden Park "Water tower." I've never seen a water tower that looked anything like this, but I didn't get to read much about it, that was all that I had found out. It's beautiful none the less:

And of course I have to show Grace and Tyler about to have a ninja fight!

ANDDDDD Tyler was about to get punched (as I recall I think he deserved it) :

What two great friends. As Tyler said, he hoped that the 3 of us stayed friends as we aged into our late years. I agree Tyler, that would be great.

Of all things that Grace wanted in America. OF ALL THINGS. She says, "Can we go to KFC?" 
YES, OF COURSE WE CAN YOU STRANGE LITTLE KOREAN. And off to the KFC to eat what was mediocre to me, but hey, she liked it, and her happiness was what counted at the time! Back to the dorms at NKU to finish out our night hanging out and talking for hours. Of course Grace accidentally mentioned that she had never had Reese Cups before, we HAD to walk over to Kroger to get some supplies and the beloved Reese's. Turns out it was too sweet for her taste. But after talking with her about American and Korean Stereotypes, new things in Korea, things that will be missed, my stay in Germany, I was quite pleased at how well I had gotten to known her in one day. The day concluded with intense discussions about Greek Mythology, the building of the Pyramids, and the like.

The day was fantastic and I can't wait to see Grace just one more time. Next week on Wednesday we are planning a camping trip to Red River Gorge. I wanted to take Tyler and Grace since they had never been before. It is very beautiful there, and I encourage anyone who has the chance, VISIT IT ONE DAY!

The next post will most likely be about our camping trip (pictures included of course). Until then, I shall keep working, keep listening to German music, keep "Deutsching it up", keep checking things off my list, and keep getting ready for this wonderful experience that 74 CBYXers and I are going to experience.

Are you ready? I AM!!!

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